This is an archive of most of the graphics and stats on @BTS_graphs. You may repost them without credit for non-commercial purposes. Please credit if you translate any graphics. Do not edit, misinterpret, remix, or adapt my work under any circumstances.

To see automated Spotify data, visit btsgraphs.glitch.me.

As of July 31, BTS has gained 2.94 billion Spotify streams in 2020. We have until October 31 to hit 4 billion streams or more.

Let's make BTS the most streamed group on Spotify in 2020!

Spotify Streaming Guides


2019 2020

BTS GRAPHS is not affiliated with BTS, Big Hit Entertainment, Spotify, or any streaming and buying platforms.
All content (on btsgraphs.github.io, @BTS_graphs, and btsgraphs.glitch.me) is provided for informational purposes only. The owner will not be held liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.